Use Cases
1770 - 1800
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Hamilton and Jefferson Era was from about 1770-1800.Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were two people with very different views. Hamilton wanted a strong centralized government acting in the interests of commerce and industry. Jefferson advocated the states' rights and thought in terms of freedom. Even though their philosophies differed greatly, the United Sates, in time, were able to fuse them, creating an important interpretation of the Constitution. http://sheg.stanford.edu/upload/Lessons/Unit%203_Revolution%20and%20Early%20America/HamiltonJefferson2.jpg
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Washington’s Farewell Address was written in 1796. He wrote it to the American people because he was going to retire after his second term, and people were becoming very concerned that the nation would fall apart without his leadership. He wrote it to reassure them that his service was no longer needed. In it he gave them advice on how to handle the nation’s political threats. He tries to convince them that their safety, prosperity, liberty and independence are dependent on unity between the states. It was written mainly for him to say goodbye, reassure them that everything would be alright without him, and to give them advice. http://chinadailymail.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/feb-22-george-washington.jpg
1797 - 1798
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The XYZ Affair was a political and diplomatic episode from 1797-1798. The XYZ stand for the names of French diplomats in documents released by the Adams administration. An American diplomatic comission was sent to France in the year 1797 to resolve issues that might start a war. The diplomats were approached by agents of the French Foreign Minister, who demanded bribes and a loan before the negotiations. The Americans were offended by them and left without any negotiations. The failure of the comission led to an undeclared war (the Quasi War). This event was important because through the anger the nation was feeling over the failed comission, the federalists were able to create an army. http://p1.la-img.com/218/17751/6028900_4_l.jpg
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The Alien and Sedition Act was four bills passed by the federalists in 1798 under the threat of war from France. They were passed in an effort to strengthen the federal government. The Naturalization Act required that aliens live in the U.S. for 14 years before they became U.S. citizens. The Alien Enemies Act authorized the president to deport aliens "dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States" during peace time. The Alien Enemies Act allowed wartime arrest, imprisonment and deportation of any alien that might be under enemy power. The Sedition Act declared any treasonable activity including malicious writing was punishable by fine and imprisonment. This event was significant because it made the United States better protected against foreigners coming into the country. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/64/Alien_and_Sedition_Acts_(1798).png/250px-Alien_and_Sedition_Acts_(1798).png
1812 - 1815
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The cause of the war included the British trying to restrict American trade, the Royal Navy impressing American seamen and America wanting to expand it's territory. It included the burning of the nation's capital in Washington D.C in 1814. But American troops were still able to repulse British troops in New York, Baltimore and New Orleans which boosted the national confidence. The treaty of Gent was ratified on February 17, 1815, ending the war. The event was significant because it made the U.S. stronger and gave them a new feeling of patriotism. http://img.tfd.com/WEAL/weal_10_img1850.jpg